For ASCI 638, Human Factors in Unmanned Aerial
Systems, I wrote a case analysis on the burgeoning crew resource management in
the UAS field. Research into this topic helped my narrow my focus into research
on the issues associated with human factors in UAS. I can confidently say that
I learned a lot about the current state of the UAS field as a whole throughout
the course but the focus of the case analysis was important to those ends as
well. The study of human factors seem to me to have the goal of preventing
accidents and mishaps and saving lives. Humans are complex creatures and more
thought and study needs to be placed into how we operate in the world. I would
like see a case analysis on the subject of CRM in UAS by someone who knows
about human psychology and training programs in general.
The case analysis seems like it could be a useful tool
for those who need to make decisions about important actions. It could
definitely hold utility in my line of work as a KC-135 navigator. A case
analysis could potentially encompass many different sets of data and create a
solid argument for or against a certain action. In many ways, a case analysis
is like a conversation on what we should do about a problem. The problem is
stated, data is presented, actions are suggests, and recommendations come from
both sides. I would say that is a great way to go about problems and avoid just
pointing fingers.
I think the project could have been split up a bit.
There could have been module assignments due with just the alternative actions,
or just the summary. Also, it was hard to figure out what exactly a summary was
doing in a case analysis. A literature might be better suited for something
like this. Additionally, 20 pages is too long to make any point at this level.
I was struggling to break 16 without putting in fluff and filler. Just a
Great input on the project, I'll relay to course developers. -Professor Wynn