Automatic Takeoff and Landing

            The use of automation in aircraft is an idea that has been around since the middle of the 20th century. For both manned systems and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), automated flight has yet to take the human link out of the chain completely. Short of artificial intelligence (AI), automated aircraft systems still require human input in the form of programming and instructions. Manned flight carrying passengers do not yet allow for fully autonomous flying but are headed in that direction. Today however, the spectrum of automation in UAS varies from no automation at all to fully automated (Marshall, Barnhart, Shappee, & Most, 2016). Some automated systems that are capable of autonomous takeoff and landing can be overridden by a pilot or ground control station (GCS) during emergencies or for obstacle avoidance but must follow preprogrammed flight paths (Marshall, Barnhart, Shappee, & Most, 2016). Many UAS come preprogrammed with lost-link procedures for when the pilot can no longer control the aircraft remotely. Many commercial aircraft companies are considering placing more trust in automated aircraft systems in order to increase efficiency and decrease human error during sustained flight.

Boeing 777
            The Boeing 777 has represented a new breed of manned aircraft produced in recent decades due to its autonomous takeoff and landing capability. Like a conventional aircraft, the Boeing 777 was designed for manual takeoff and landing and has the added automatic feature installed in the electronic systems infrastructure. The autopilot flight direct system provides the pilot with automatic control features with ability to manage speed and flight path (Hornish, 1994). The pilot also has the freedom to select and deselect the automatic approach and auto-land features through pushbuttons on the glareshield (Hornish, 1994). These functions do not operate without the pilots input who is trained as a traditional operator over merely a systems monitor. The automatic system remains and outstanding introduction into manned flight but should contain a failsafe in every circumstance for the pilot to override the automated system.
MQ-9 Reaper
             The MQ-9 Reaper is outfitted with automatic takeoff and landing systems attached to the autopilot and can also be manually controlled. When the MQ-9 loses link with the satellite, it reverts back to preprogramming and levels off on approach. As of right now, pilots are trained at the formal training units to takeoff and land the MQ-9. According to Col Travis Burdine, the full implementation of takeoff and landing capabilities would allow less personnel to man training billets and training would take much less time (Drew, 2016). Manual takeoffs and landing still require a line-of-sight link which is more reliable than satellite datalink for automatic takeoff and landing. Like manned aircraft, UAS like the MQ-9 Reaper pilot should retain the ability to override the automated takeoff and landing system at all times.

Drew, J. (2016). USAF to automate MQ-9 takeoffs and landings. Retrieved from

Hornish, R. R. (1994). 777 autopilot flight director system. 151-­156.             doi:10.1109/DASC.1994.369488. Retrieved from

Marshall, D.M., Barnhart, R.K., Shappee, E., & Most, M.T. (2016). Introduction to Unmanned      Aircraft Systems, Second Edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Retrieved from
